Friday, June 11, 2010

So the Rumors are True...

Ever since I first thought about the concept "Getting Married", my parents, grandparents, older friends, and pretty much everybody else I knew who was married; told me that it was a definite adventure to get there. And let me tell you... the rumors are true. I never imagined that preparing for a wedding would actually be like it is at this very moment. It started by finding the right girl. After doing summer sales in Missouri last summer, I knew it was time to get on the grind and find the girl I wanted to spend my life with. I didn't want to waste time and only date to have fun, but I wanted to find the girl who I loved and would accept me as their husband. I started searching... I met SOO many people and did some many things, I seriously almost bought a day planner just to keep me organized so I didn't go crazy.

I was going on 2-3 dates with a different girl every day Monday through Saturday for about 3 solid months. Don't believe it? You should... After too many dates to count, I was at church one day and saw this tall ABSOLUTELY DROP-DEAD GORGEOUS read-head walk in late. I looked at her, turned to my friend and said, "Dude! I've GOT to get to know her!" And that was just the first step. After officially meeting, getting introduced, long days at work, long nights of helping this hot red-head with her homework, getting to know her better, some number of months, falling in love, a ring, and some loopdie loops on our roller coaster, we made it to where are now. And now is the real challenge!! Like I was saying, I've heard it's hard, I've heard there's lots of wicked influences to do things that are not ok at certain points in life, and I've heard EVERYTHING goes wrong. If I had those things written on paper with a clip-board in my hand, I would be checking every single one of those as "True".

One thing after the next really does go wrong. People say things, but deliver others. People promise things, but break those promises. Other People order a wedding dress... twice... from different companies... and each time the dress comes back like an undesired pile of brown in the toilet... NOT regurgitated brownies and Bunny Tracks Ice Cream either... but Crappy! And some people can't help but stand there and get kicked in the nuts (sorry mom) by the world. On top of all that, some people work hard to plan their own wedding while getting kicked in the nuts (*metaphorically speaking of course), but is also stressed and helping with their Sister's wedding which is tomorrow, drive an hour to pick up a Bridesmaid while all of this is tossed and getting destroyed in the blender or garbage disposal called "this moment of life"...
...and then there's the person who gets the text from a soon-to-be brother-in-law's phone that says, "Baby, this is Kasey. I think I lost my phone at the airport."
BBBBBKKKKKKKCKCCCHCHHCHCKCKCKHCHCHKCKHCCHCCCKCCKKKKK (Imagine those huge Hiroshima explosions you see on old war documentaries at school).

So once again... The Rumors are true. EVERYTHING goes wrong when you're planning a wedding. And even though everything goes wrong........... I wouldn't trade it for anything in the World. It's going to be totally worth it, and the tall hot red-head is what makes it bearable. She's the reason I wake up every morning ready to strike back and kick the World in it's nuts and punch it in the face.

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