Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yes, we are "those" people

It's true. We are "those" people... we are they who permanently request off Monday nights from work so we do not miss one of the most exciting moments of the week, they who spend a significant amount of time and dollars on making Monday nights a night to remember, those people who just cannot get enough of The Bachelor. I don't know how or when it happened, but we became "those people" and cannot seem to escape it (probably because we really just don't want to). 

I don't know what it is about this particular reality show, but it is definitely our favorite. The drama, the love (fake or not), the fights, the Kasie's, the Courtney's... we eat it up. But we ask that you please do not judge us for we know what we bring upon ourselves, and we know that you secretly love it too. 

However, I must say that this season of The Bachelor was one for... the trashcan. Absolute garbage. But we persevered through all of it (it being- all of Courtney's fakeness and Ben & Lindzi's extreme awkwardness) to the end. We had a fabulous Finale Party full of friends, cupcakes and Panda Express; and although the finale was nothing to remember, the company and food definitely were. 

Ani & I got together to do a little cupcake baking. 

These are our "Courtney/Linzdi Cupcakes." We are most proud of the witty little Courtney Quotes on the chocolate cupcakes. 

Panda Express... We love it. 

We found out about a third of the way through this season that
 Ben & Rachel were also "those people" and decided that we 
had to join forces. This season would not have
 been the same without them. 

Me & the Reyneman... so excited can't ya tell :)

Chad is the latest addition to our little Bachelor Gang. Not sure if we 
have him fully committed (addicted), but I feel that we soon will, 
especially with the wonderful Emily being the 
new Bachelorette. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Apple Pie

Yes, it has happened. I have had one of my first pregnant cravings.


I never really appreciated how wonderful apple pie truly was, until about 10:30 pm last night. Evan and I were sitting in our bed, getting ready to go to sleep as I leaned over to him and confessed my craving. Being the wonderful husband he is, he put on his slippers and a jacket, and then put on my slippers for me.. and out the door we went. 

He took me to a place that served the most wonderful apple pie's I had ever tasted. I could not believe that I had not yet bought or even tasted one of these fabulous pie's!!

McDonald's Baked Apple Pie. Seriously. Have you ever had an apple pie from that place? It's amazing. Served hot and fresh and it melts in your mouth. I almost made him take me back for a second serving, but decided that was a little too crazy. So I savored every bite and then happily fell asleep. Don't be surprised if you're working at Lincoln, CA McDonald's and you see the Reyne's back again tonight. There's a 98% chance that it will happen. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Where To Start...

Ok, so here we go again... As you can probably tell our first attempt at this whole blogging thing was somewhat of an epic fail, but we're gonna do our best to not let that happen again. There has been so many changes and so many wonderful things that have happened that we are so excited to share with everyone! So here it goes...

Where to start? Well, let's just start with the most exciting, most wonderful news of all. Evan and I found out on Christmas day that we are going to be having another little addition to our family!!!!!!!! Yes, I'm pregnant!! We are absolutely beyond words excited about the whole thing, it was definitely the best Christmas present we could have ever received. I am about 13 weeks along to the day and am already starting to show. It's crazy, but I am convinced that this little one is gonna be quite the big baby (which won't surprise anyone I'm sure, seeing how big his/her mommy and daddy are). We won't know for 6 more weeks if we're having a boy or girl, but we have decided that we definitely want to know the sex of the baby. I am dying to go to Target to buy a cute little outfit or pair of shoes, the anticipation is killing me! The pregnancy so far has been really well. I have had zero morning sickness which, as others have told me, makes me one very lucky lady. Although there's been no morning sickness, the amount of fatigue and tiredness I have been experiencing is insane! If I don't get at least 9 or 10 hours of sleep at night, I'm dead on my feet the entire day. I also just got done working 2 serving jobs, so those 10-12 hour days on my feet did not help with the extreme exhaustion. Let's just say... right now, naps are my best friend. 

My beautiful little baby bump at 13 weeks! 

In other news... Evan and I are no longer living in Utah. About six months ago we decided to pack our bags and head out even farther West. We are now living in Lincoln, California. This is where Evan was born and raised and where his family currently resides! With the news of the baby on it's way, we decided that being close to family would be ideal... so here we are in the great state of California. So far things have been great. Stressful and a little rocky, but great. We enjoy so much being so close to Evan's parents, siblings, and grandparents and getting to spend so much time with them! They have been so great in everything that they have done to help and support us in this move! Job searches and the search for our own place hasn't been the easiest, but we are preserving! We are on a couple of waiting list for a couple of apartments and I finally got a great job as a server at the restaurant Claim Jumper.

Evan has finally gotten back into the world of classes and homework and could not be doing any better. If you didn't know already, my husband is a pretty smart man. He is taking three classes at Sierra Community College in Roseville- Economics, English, and Accounting. So far he has loved his classes and teachers and is doing really really well. I am super proud of him and so excited for what he has ahead in the future. 

Well that's all I got for now! I'll try to make this a daily habit, but no promises people! :)