Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The "10 Day" Mark

Tomorrow, Wednesday, July 21 is the last double-digit day before Kasey and I get married! As soon as tomorrow is over, we'll be in the single-digits and even that much closer to our Happy Day and making this the best and most memorable summer of my life! Our last week was full of packing, moving, working, posting and mailing invitations, and finishing up all the little details so everything goes smoothly on the big day.

During these next 10 days, our families and friends are going to start showing up from California, Missouri, and wherever else they might be and we couldn't be more excited. We're so excited for our Parents, Grandparents, and Siblings to get here and meet eachother. It is truly going to be a sweet occasion and has been an incredible summer thus far.

Last week was like our own last 2 minutes in a playoff basketball game. We were on the grind to find a place for Kasey and I to live starting August 1st, and we were racing to beat the buzzer. After so many long days of searching, so many failed attempts, so many rejected phone calls, and so many "sorry it's already been rented"; Kasey and I finally found a place. It's not at all far from the complexes where we live now and it is a great place for us to start out. It's basic, but comfortable, and we love that it's our own place. We have been busy packing and moving our things over there so it'll be ready for us when the time gets here.
Kasey has become quite the negotiator lately too! Being as she lives with 2 of her sisters, it comes naturally to disagree with "who gets what clothes?", "I want that make-up", "I'm taking those movies! I got them for Christmas!", "No you didn't! Mom and Dad bought them and I brought them back from our last trip home". She's made some intense deals to get the things that are important to her and she's done a great job!

After and between our sporadic work hours, we were finally able to lick the last envelop shut and push it through the dark mail box slot with all the rest. The invites have been sent and will be arriving soon if they haven't arrived already. (If you're reading and haven't recieved your invitation, please let us know in the comments below, give us a ringa ding ding on the telephone thing, or email us at reynedays@gmail.com)

Aside from all the busy and stressful stuff, Kasey and I are normal people too! We went and saw that movie "Inception" with Leonardo DiCaprio and it is AMAZING!! When you go see it, don't waste time asking question cause you might miss what you need to see or hear in order to understand what's going on. For the first 30-45 minutes you'll be lost and won't understand what is happening, but keep paying attention cause within the next 30 -45 minutes, you'll react out loud like we did in the theaters, "OH MY GOSH!!! SERIOUSLY! WHO CAN EVER SIT DOWN AND THINK OF SOMETHING SO GENIOUS!?!" It blows your mind really. It ends in a way where when you walk out of the theater, you have so much to talk about (for all you going out on a first date with someone, this is a movie to see because the drive home will not at all be awkward) and you'll be saying things like, "the kids were wearing different clothes" or "I'm gonna change my major in school, quit my job, and become an Inceptionist!!"
-Apparently the love of my life wants to become an 'Inceptioning Avatar'. Pandora... here we come to own your dreams!-
Speaking of dreams.. one is coming true because we've made it this far.. even as far as The "10 Day" Mark.

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